Range Documents
Liability Waiver
Integrity Gun & Pawn, LLC
dba “Integrity Elite Firearms”
Agreement: Liability
1. I understand that firearms, their use, and their misuse have inherent risks.
2. I fully assume all of these risks voluntarily.
3. I am an adult, I am of adult age, and I am fully competent.
4. I, my family, my estate, my heirs, my insurance, my assigns, or anyone with standing on my behalf shall not hold liable Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC, any of its owners, affiliates, employees, landlord(s) or agents, for any harm to me or any other person. This, my free and voluntary decision, extends to all circumstances regardless of the foreseeability or un-foreseeability of the harm and regardless of the cause and/or effect of the harm: including, but not limited to, omissions, facilities, equipment, staff, guests and visitors. I fully assume all risks of harm.
5. I further understand that Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC, its owners, and/or employees may hold me or my estate liable for my negligent, reckless, or intentional conduct inconsistent with this agreement, the proper use of firearms, the Rules of the Range, and/or the standard of care appropriate to a firing range. I also understand that Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC, its owners, and/or employees possess the unilateral right, regardless of my conduct, to remove me from the range at any time.
6. I have read this agreement and have asked all questions I have concerning this agreement. My questions have been fully answered to my satisfaction.
7. I sign this agreement with full knowledge of its contents and together with my fees paid in consideration for services rendered by Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Authorized Agent on behalf of Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC Customer Signature
__ / __ / ____ Print Customer Name: _____________________________
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Acknowledgement of Range Use
Integrity Gun & Pawn, LLC
dba “Integrity Elite Firearms”
Agreement: Use of Range
1. I understand that firearms, their use, and their misuse have inherent risks.
2. I fully assume all of these risks voluntarily.
3. I am an adult, I am of adult age, and I am fully competent.
4. I have voluntarily agreed to the terms in the Agreement concerning Liability.
5. I understand that firing ranges and all activities thereupon and/or commensurate with the operation of a firing range present foreseen and unforeseen risks to all people upon and within proximity of the firing range. I fully assume all of these risks voluntarily.
6. I have been given a copy of the “Rules of the Range” by Integrity Gun & Pawn, LLC. I fully understand these rules and shall strictly observe these rules as a condition of this agreement.
7. I understand and agree that the range staff may remove me from the range at their sole discretion.
8. I have read this agreement and have asked all questions I have concerning this agreement. My questions have been fully answered to my satisfaction.
9. I sign this agreement with full knowledge of its contents and together with my fees paid in consideration for services rendered by Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Authorized Agent on behalf of Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC Customer Signature
__ / __ / ____ Print Customer Name: _____________________________
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Range Membership Agreement
Integrity Gun & Pawn, LLC
dba “Integrity Elite Firearms”
Agreement: Membership
1. I understand that firearms, their use, and their misuse have inherent risks.
2. I fully assume all of these risks voluntarily.
3. I am an adult, I am of adult age, and I am fully competent.
4. I have voluntarily agreed to the terms in the Agreement concerning Liability.
5. I have voluntarily agreed to the terms in the Agreement concerning Use of Range.
6. Membership: I agree to the terms of membership in force as of the date of my signing this agreement. Further, I fully and continuously bind myself through the duration of my membership to articles 1 through 5 immediately above.
7. I have read this agreement and have asked all questions I have concerning this agreement. My questions have been fully answered to my satisfaction.
8. I sign this agreement with full knowledge of its contents and together with my fees paid in consideration for services rendered by Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Authorized Agent on behalf of Integrity Gun & Pawn LLC Customer Signature
__ / __ / ____ Print Customer Name: _____________________________
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)